Please let us know if your facility serves any of the following  Corrections, Mental Health, Addictions, Youth, Women who have experienced violence, Seniors, other please specify.
Please provide age range, estimated number of clients yoga program would be available to, expected attendance numbers, gender etc.
Please give an overview of particular challenges/special needs of students (eg. Addictions, prenatal, mental health, etc.) This information will be shared with teachers who are interested in applying to teach at your facility so please make it as full and clear as possible.
Again, this profile will be shared with teachers who are interested in applying for volunteer teaching positions at your facility so please take the time to make it as full and clear as possible.
Please let us know if you require Criminal Record Check (ie vulnreable persons check), medical test or immunizations, male or female volunteers etc
Please give as many options as possible to accommodate limited volunteer availability.
For example: weekly, byÂweekly, monthly or sessional (ie, 8 week session with a break before the next one begins)